Changing fractions and decimals into percentages
To convert any fraction into decimal simply divide using the long method.
To convert the decimal into percentage simply multiply by 100 and write % after the product
Convert a Fraction into percentage
To convert any fraction into a percentage simply multiply by 100% and write % after the product.
Percentage Increase
- Step 1: Write down the current value and the starting value.
- Step 2: Subtract the starting value from the current value.
- Step 3: Divide the result by the starting value.
- Step 4: Multiply the result by 100 %.
Percentage Decrease
When Amina washed her handkerchief of length 18 cm, it became 15 cm. Calculate the percentage decrease.
Percentage decrease
- Step 1: Write down the current value and the starting value.
- Step 2: Subtract the starting value from the current value.
- Step 3: Divide the result by the starting value.
- Step 4: Multiply the result by 100 %.