Understand + see + where, why and how  by  Domiana Katiwa


To understastand means:

1.To grasp the idea or to comprehend.

2.To know the meaning of something.

3.To know how someone feels or how something behaves.

4.To believe that something is true because you have been told so.

Look at the following images and read the sentences in them.

To see has the following meanings:

1.To notice something or someone with your eyes.

2.To understand something after hearing orseeing it.

3.To understand something after getting the information.

Looking at the following images.

Answer the questions in exercises 2a and 2b in New Primary English, pupils book page 55-57


1.Do you understand why we eat different kinds of food?

2.Do you understand why we should not leave rubbish lying about?

3.Do you understand why we should keep medicine in a locked cupboard?

4.Do you understand why we need to wash our clothes? We need to was our clothes so that theylook clean.

5.Do you understand why we should cover cooked foood? We should cover cooked food so that flies do not land on it.

6.Do you understand why we should keep young children away from hot stops? We should keep young children away from hot stoves because they might burn themselves.


1.I don't see why it was marked wrong.

2.I don't see where the picture comes from.

3.l don't see how I can get across the river.

4.I don't see how that cat can stay under the water.

5.I don't see how I can escape down from here. I don't see how I can get up there.

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