Jesus Christ's victory

How the Holy Communion is shared

(1 Corinthians 11:23 - 25), (Acts 2:42 - 47)

  • The Holy Communion is shared when Christian believers meet to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The church leader gives thanks for the bread and breaks it then takes the cup and gives thanks.
  • Partakers of the Holy Communion then receive these symbols for the body and blood of Jesus.
  • They should do so with glad and sincere hearts.

    Celebrating the breaking of the bread

  • The Last Supper is also called the Eucharist, The Lord’s Table, Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.
  • Christians continue to celebrate the Last Supper to keep Jesus Christ’s command of remembering Him.
  • Christians come together and remember what Christ’s body endured so as to free us from sin’s bondage: whipping, stabbing, nailing, piercing and being crucified with robbers.
  • We also celebrate our freedom from sin.


Values required during the breaking of bread

(Acts 2:42 - 47)

  • Jesus showed humility and love before He celebrated the Last Supper by washing His disciples’ feet.
  • Just like Jesus, Christians should be humble during the breaking of the bread.
  • We should show love to one another as we share the Holy Communion.
  • We should be happy and enjoy the fellowship of all people.
  • We should also pray to God and ask for forgiveness.
  • We praise and thank Him for His love for us as shown in His sacrifice.
  • Therefore, the values required are love, humility, happiness, sharing and thankfulness.


The meaning of repentance and forgiveness 

  • In ( Luke 15:11-32,) Jesus teaches us about repentance and forgiveness.
  • To repent is to be sorry for the mistakes you have made and to seek forgiveness.One tries not to repeat the same mistake as a sign of true repentance.
  • To forgive is to stop wanting to punish someone who has wronged you.
  • The lost son came back home and repented to his father. His father forgave him and prepared a big feast to welcome him home. His father forgave the son’s pride and arrogance because he repented.

  • If we repent, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and make us spiritually clean again.

Getting ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ

( 2 Peter 3:10 - 15 )

  • As Christians we should be ready for the second coming of Jesus for there will be no warning.
  • The Scriptures say that He will come like a thief. So we should live holy lives, fully dedicated to God as we wait for Him.
  • We should not be found in sin.


Jesus said that those who follow Him should be ready to suffer just as He suffered.

He reminded us though, that He would always be with us even when things are very difficult.

The pain and suffering of this world is temporary, heaven’s joy is eternal.



Causes of suffering

  • There are many causes of suffering; some are natural while some are caused by human beings.
  • Human causes of suffering are accidents, bomb blasts, wars, drug trafficking, immorality and pollution.
  • The natural causes of suffering, which we can’t prevent are floods, earthquakes, lightning, famine and storms.
  • Sometimes also, God lets us go through suffering so that His glory may be seen through our circumstances (John 9:1-5). 


Types of suffering

  • There are three main types of suffering: mental, physical and emotional suffering.

1. Mental suffering

  • People who suffer mentally behave and speak in a manner that is unusual.
  • In ( Mark 5:1-10 ) Jesus healed a mad man at Gadarenes who had been living in the tombs.
  • Mental suffering affects the brain.
  • Drug taking, diseases and accidents can cause mental suffering.

2. Physical suffering

  • Physical suffering is brought about by human beings; for example, in a fight you may end up being physically impaired.
  • For most physical suffering, there is a cure or preventive medicine.

3. Emotional suffering

  • Emotional suffering is dangerous because it can cause depression, stress, withdrawal and may even lead to suicidal thoughts or attempts.
  • When we feel our families quarrel too much, we shouldn’t become withdrawn.
  • Instead, we should ask the Holy Spirit to heal the bad relations and bring forgiveness to rid us of ill tempers (Galatians 5:22).


We help people who suffer emotionally by:

  1. Praying for and with them.
  2. Guiding and counselling them.
  3. Showing our love and concern for them.
  4. Sharing our possessions with them.


Purpose of suffering

(1 Peter 3:18 - 22, 4:12 - 19)

1. To make us reliant on God’s strength rather than on our own strength.

2. To strengthen our faith.

3. To take part in Christ’s suffering so that we may also take part in His joy on our resurrection.

4. To enable us to encourage others who may be going through the same thing we are going or went through.

5. To let God’s glory show through His amazing power to heal us from all types of suffering.


Purposeful suffering

  • Purposeful suffering is suffering for a purpose that we cannot avoid, for example, initiation or childbearing.
  • Jesus Himself suffered for the purpose of taking away our sins and giving those who believe eternal life.
  • Suffering is one of the values Jesus taught His disciples.
  • In his Sermon on the Mount Jesus said that those who are persecuted are blessed for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  • Suffering brings us closer to Christ in that it strengthens our faith.



(Acts 7:54 - 60 )

  • A martyr is one who is killed for his or her faith and belief in God.
  • Stephen suffered stoning and died for his faith. He asked God not to hold any sin against those who had stoned him.



Christians suffering today 

  1. Christians suffering today should reflect the suffering of Jesus Christ.
  2.   That is, it should not be because we are in the wrong, but because we are fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives.


Jesus triumphs over pain and suffering

  • Jesus died because of our sins.
  • Through His death we are healed and forgiven.
  • Jesus overcame suffering, not by avoiding it but by suffering Himself.
  • He suffered the torture of being nailed to the cross.
  • He also suffered being rejected by the very people He came to help.
  • He suffered death but He rose to a new life. • He overcame death. 
  • All suffering can be overcome if we believe and have faith in Jesus.
  • (2 Corinthians 1:5) says, “Just as we have a share in Christ’s many sufferings so also through Christ we share in God’s great help.”