The Death of Jesus
- When Judas learned that Jesus had been condemned, he felt guilty and tried to return the money. He later hung himself. Jeremiah had prophesied all these events Matthew 27:9-10.
- Jesus was sentenced to death and handed over for crucifixion. Simon of Cyrene was forced to help Jesus carry His cross.
- He was crucified with two bandits at Golgotha.
- At noon, the whole country was covered with darkness, and at around three o’clock, Jesus breathed His last.
Why we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Whenever we eat the bread and drink from the cup we proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes 1 Corinthians 11:26
- This means that we bring to mind all that Jesus Christ sacrificed and promised through the cross.
The Death of Jesus
(Luke 22:3 - 6, 21 - 23, 47 - 53,) ( Matthew 27:15 - 26), (Luke 23:26 - 42)
- Judas Iscariot was commissioned by the high priests to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins.
- He told them he would point Jesus out by kissing Him.
- Soldiers arrested Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He had gone to pray, and took Him before Pontius Pilate.
- Jesus was condemned to death by the elders, Pharisees and the crowd.