Money |
Currency Exchange |
Budgeting |
Banking |
Cashless payments |
Insurance |
Assessment Questions |
1. What do you understand by the term 'money'?
2. Give any five functions of money.
3. In ______ credit cards were introduced.
4. In which year did kenyans start using ATM?
5. In ______ debit cards were introduced and began taking root.
6. In which year did Kenyans start using MPesa?
7. Kenyan shilling was first introduced in ______ when _________________________________.
8. What do you understand by exchange rate?
9. What is badgeting?
10. What are the importance of badgeting?
11. State three ways of using money.
12. Differentiate between income and expenditure.
13. Explain the best way of spending money.
14. a) Give 5 Short Term goals
b) Give 3 short term goals
15. a) Make a list of how you can make money.
b) Make a list of expenses in terms of long term and short term goals.
c) Make a budget.
16. a) What is a bank?
b) How does banks operate?
c) Explain the services offered by the banks.
17. Define the followign terms:
a) e-commerce
b) mastercard
c) cashless payment
d) debit mastercard
e) credit card
18. State any three importance of using MPesa.
19. What is insurance?
20. What is an insurance policy?
21. Give any five types of insurance you know.
22. Define the followign terms:
a) investment
b) policy
c) premium
d) risk
e) claim